Access Control #
Woordenboek #
- Engels: Access Control
- Nederlands: Toegangsverlening
Merriam-Webster #
- Access1
- permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, or pass to and from a place or to approach or communicate with a person or thing
- freedom or ability to obtain or make use of something
- a way or means of entering or approaching
- the act or an instance of accessing something
- Control2
- to exercise restraining or directing influence over
- to have power over
- Access Control3
- a condition in which the common-law rights of property owners and others to access, light, air, or view in connection with a public road are controlled by public authority by means of physical construction, legal restrictions, toll requirements, or other limitations
Cambridge #
- Access4
- the method or possibility of getting near to a place or person
- the right or opportunity to use or look at something
- the method or way of approaching a place or person, or the right to use or look at something
- Control5
- the act of controlling something or someone, or the power to do this
- the ability or power to decide or strongly influence the particular way in which something will happen or someone will behave, or the condition of having such ability or power
- Access Control6
- ways of controlling who can enter a building or area, usually involving electronic technology
- ways of controlling who can see or enter information on a computer system
Dikke Van Dale #
- Toegang7
- weg waarlangs je ergens kunt komen
- Verlenen8
- schenken, toestaan
- verschaffen, geven
- Controle9
- toezicht
- plaats waar gecontroleerd wordt
- beheersing
Definitie voor FTV #
Het verlenen van toegang, in de zin dat er gecontroleerd wordt of iemand of iets toegang mag hebben tot iets.
Dit impliceert dat er informatie moet zijn die gecontroleerd wordt (attributen), middels vooraf opgestelde toegangsregels.
Het iets waar toegang toe wordt verleend is een resource (een API), die een dienst vertegenwoordigt om data op te vragen of te beheren, of om een functie uit te voeren.
Referenties #
Merriam-Webster, . [30 Aug. 2024]. ↩︎
Merriam-Webster, . [30 Aug. 2024]. ↩︎
Merriam-Webster, . [30 Aug. 2024]. ↩︎
Cambridge, [30 Aug. 2024]. ↩︎
Cambridge, [30 Aug. 2024]. ↩︎
Cambridge, [30 Aug. 2024]. ↩︎
Dikke van Dale, [30 Aug. 2024]. ↩︎
Dikke van Dale, [30 Aug. 2024]. ↩︎
Dikke van Dale, [30 Aug. 2024]. ↩︎