Autorisatieregel #
Zie ook Autorisatie.
Woordenboek #
- Engels: Authorization rule
- Nederlands: Autorisatieregel
Merriam-Webster #
- Rule1
- a prescribed guide for conduct or action
- an accepted procedure, custom, or habit
- a usually written order or direction made by a court regulating court practice or the action of parties
- a regulating principle
- the exercise of authority or control
- to exercise control over especially by curbing or restraining
- to determine and declare authoritatively
Cambridge #
- Rule2
- an accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be done, and tells you what you are allowed or are not allowed to do
- to control or be the person in charge of something such as a country
Dikke Van Dale #
- Regel3
- voorschrift, verordening
Definitie voor FTV #
Referenties #
Merriam-Webster, [2 Sep. 2024]. ↩︎
Cambridge, [2 Sep. 2024]. ↩︎
Dikke van Dale, [2 Sep. 2024]. ↩︎