
Standaard #

Woordenboek #

Merriam-Webster #

  • Standard1
    1. something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example
    2. something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality
    3. constituting or conforming to a standard especially as established by law or custom
    4. regularly and widely used, available, or supplied
    5. well-established and very familiar
    6. substantially uniform and well established by usage in the speech and writing of the educated and widely recognized as acceptable

Cambridge #

  • Standard2
    1. a moral rule that should be obeyed
    2. a pattern or model that is generally accepted
    3. a level of quality that people expect and generally accept as normal
    4. an official rule, unit of measurement, or way of operating that is used in a particular area of manufacturing or services

Dikke Van Dale #

  • Standaard3
    1. vaststaand, erkend voorbeeld of model
    2. bepaald peil

Definitie voor FTV #

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